As Gudeg & bakpia .. Endank Soekamti Is Asset jogjakarta
Starting from a fad & transvestite show, Erix invite Ari & Dori to attract the opposite sex with jamming at an event on New Year's Eve. Applause handful of people who crowded into the Java Café Yogyakarta echoing each song is finished playing. After that they started training in preparation for the studio to follow a few local events. Strangely they never pass the selection and ended up as cheerleaders. Feel resentment and discontent as a spectator, they change the strategy by making 2 song demo, after it made an approach to radio. As a result they successfully played 2 songs on radio stations & fruiting compilation album. Thanks to that song every morning, noon & night their own request on the radio as an inducement, Yogyakarta was slowly beginning to recognize Endank Soekamti until finally arriving too many people love & to request their songs .. Boomm! 6 months became a top request. Endank Soekamti skyrocketed in the city itself. Starting from there on stage bid was never lonely ... In fact almost all the local events on campuses display them as a guest star.
Not satisfied with the bottles as payment, they decided to strive towards a national music industry. At the end of 2002 they tried to make a digital recording demos in their own homes to be sent to major labels in Jakarta. Because of tired waiting for a response from Jakarta, Erix-Dory-Ari had discussions with senior-senior musicians in Yogya, that's where Elvis Presley and Tony Trax Pongky inspired to create a label & recruiting Endank Soekamti as its first artist.
The release of first album "class 1 "is not as smooth as expected reply. First gig after a distinguished dijakarta not too crowded they were beaten black and blue two large trucks that sleepy. Erix soekamtipun had suddenly become a solo singer event2 serve Dory front of the eyes due to injuries and broken bones that are still traumatized epidermis. after seduction rag & naikannya salary by the team management Ari soekamtipun back to playing with the spirit of 45!! Dory? ... .. Dory still have to rest five months of recovery. but show must go on! very lucky God gave Dory twin brother named hody. for 5 months that are diam2 standman action without a lot of people know:)
Unfortunately after Dory the guitarists back with his wheelchair, rather than sympathy, but even many who are against its OK !!!!! ... hmmmm .. not long after a foul mouth & bogem crude nest, when it also munculah grombolan young man who was always loyal to protect and support Endank Soekamti in love and sorrow. it gives birth to Kamtis Family (title rabid fans who were taken from the last name Endank Soe-KAMTI) 5 April 2004. CASE CLOSE!
Endank Soekamti truly successful captivate large Sma2 Jakarta & kota2 laennya.walaupun bnyk who initially thought the singer kroncong Java, because diligent & dense akirnya bids appear in pensi-pensi they dubbed the "KING pensi"
Endank Soekamti swaragama fm radio assisted sukuran distinguished concert bertakjub "jogja for hope". sukuran manifestation of this event is to raise money for a 4 year-old neighbor boy (they're forgetting her name:)) suffered serious burns from splashed by the frying oil. they also involve kamtis cardboard play a distinguished contribution to the set where the audience who came smua. singers on behalf of a group of people who moved slipped amplom malioboropun diam2 HSL to the team .. ngamennya Salud. although somewhat chaotic and collapse had occurred accindent third stage, Endank Soekamti mengakiri event with very berkesan.sumbangan given directly in front of the contributors.
Endank Soekamti joined the major label Warner Music Indonesia, from where they were instituted her second album "stud heifers, "which brought them explore kesluruh plosok Indonesia. from the start of this album they also began working on the next albums at home alone. This is the most seamless album.
Earthquake jogja, Endank Soekamti make camp. They are determined to build a camp plunged directly together corps labeled Gaia seloharjo camp. start of the many Javanese music communitas2 Bali held a charity event and pointed Endank Soekamti as reference assistance. working with semarang EO2 Endank Soekamti also held a charity concert for Klaten prambanan including seloharjo camp. It is a moment that can not be forgotten by them. Be song "UUuuu .." (3rd album) is dedicated to the victims
Flood wither. Endank Soekamti issue to a third album with the title "SSSTTT!" era which began in the birth wither. although was proud to be the MTV hot seat (which the TV show Hot pd its time) and opening act avanged sevenfold, Endank Soekamti admitted failure and disappointment in the industry. Diprodusi own album which is indeed very can be calculated in terms of quality but not quantity of sales. labelpun party is not much help because the trend behavior that is Malay.
Feeling disappointed with the season, 11 March 2008 Endank Soekamti build a radio, called Radio Soekamti Fm.Radio band2 who do not play a song that is being sold. jogja band2 assisted in bersiaran Soekamti radio now can become an alternative media to help others in berpromo band2 free & free! Costly FM frequency was made uncertain because the savings are not possible. from there the idea to move dijalur munculah online without changing the name of the FM who he says is Prayer "sometime Fm jd real"
Family Kamtis back to being the savior who wake Endank Soekamti of care keseriusnya radio. Too satisfied with the work of distinguished radio plus a gig schedule Soekamti almost careless enough to make make an album. As soon as Erix Ari Dory responded by uploading songs ngejam racing results last night to disayembarakan lyrics. the result is "flying high" posts from Boi kamtis. the song became the spirit and the beginning of the creation of lagu2 yg laen for the new album. this year also Endank Soekamti mengakiri cooperation relationship with Warner Music Indonesia.
Endank Soekamti join NAGASWARA label launched his new album "SOEKAMTI.COM". They claim there is nothing different this dialbum, because there is nothing wrong "We're just perfecting what we've done! CONTINUE! "(replied Erix). through this album will provoke kamtis Endank Soekamti and music lovers to visit the website for the purpose of socializing KAMTIS COMMUNITY's